The needs of a man and a woman in a relationship

Both men and women need to understand each other's needs and try to meet them. The woman should understand what the man needs and try to give it to him, and the man should try to meet the woman's needs. In some cases this is not easy to do, but it should be strived for. So it shouldn't be like this, when everyone owes each other and no one owes anyone anything, when everyone lives for himself and doesn't think about his partner. And it all the more is not supposed to be like this, when a man and woman are trying to hang a lot of obligations on each other and insist on their fulfillment. If a man and a woman decided to parasitize on each other - no normal relationship will not work. But the scandals, quarrels and mutual accusations will be enough. So you shouldn't even try to build something with this approach to relationships. You either change and stop being selfish, self-centered, or be content with a relationship where you just can't live comfortably. So look closely at the goals and desires of your partner to understand what he or she wants from you and what you should expect from him or her. It is possible that in addition to the basic needs, your man or your woman still need a lot from you. And think about your goals and desires carefully, so that you don't demand too much from your partner and try to get from him or her only what you really need. I'm not talking about the desires and dreams of men and women that you should try to satisfy, because people have an infinite number of desires, and it's impossible to satisfy them all. But about the normal, natural needs of each other, be sure to think - think about how to satisfy them. Let not all your expectations from the relationship will be met, but if you are a smart person - a smart woman or a smart man, you will not place too high demands to your partner. But I'll repeat once again: the minimum needs of people must be satisfied! Otherwise, there's not much point in a serious relationship. A serious relationship means responsibility, and not everyone is ready to take it upon themselves. And if people don't want to take responsibility for each other and don't plan to do anything for each other, then their relationships will be fragile, unstable, and generally meaningless. Why build a relationship with someone if you are not going to do anything for them and if you expect something from them that he or she can't give you? You can do without a serious relationship in that case. For the same need for sex, a relationship is not necessary. As for the other needs for which men and women build relationships with each other, we will talk about them below.

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